Tin Mines Endurance Challenge 2022

Tin Mines Endurance Challenge ("TMEC") 2022 was an endurance game whereby the participants will run in a hamster loop of 3.6km for 24 hours and try to accumulate as much loop as possible. The race venue is in Sungai Lembing, a small town located 45 minutes away from Kuantan, at the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia.

Race Information:

Distance & elevation gain: 3.6km (with 60m elevation gain) per loop
Cut off Time: 24 hours (there were 6h, 12h and 24h categories available)
Weather: Weather was warm for 1-2 hours after flagged off, then it became chill and drizzling, and ultimately became heavy rain due to monsoon.

This was my first official endurance race, unfortunately I was lack of training one-two months before the race due to sickness.

I started the race with run-walk-run strategy and planned to go slow and maintain at the average pace required to achieve 140km over 24 hours. Nevertheless my average pace started to drop after 5 hours. Apparently my body was not used to long distance due to lack of long run training. 

Despite the drop in my pace, I started to overtake some runners who started fast too early in the game. My ranking started of from no.11 initially, slowly increased to no.6 and stagnant for some many hours, and ultimately jumped to no.4 after two more runners bonked. 

This was also the first time I had problem to take in solid foods during the race, previously I could just swallow whatever given to me during race. Nothing wrong with the organizer, they have prepared plenty of delicious foods. Somehow I just did not have the appetite to eat, which this has also affected my performance in later stage of the game.

Regrettably the race was called off at 22 hours+ due to safety consideration, because the town started to flood due to heavy rain. All in all, I have covered 116km on my GPS watch, the total elevation gained was 2,076m.


Race location: Sungai Lembing, Malaysia.

Food and water supply: 5/5. Plenty of foods and drinks. The menu were constantly changed too.

Photographer: 5/5. This was the event that I had most number of quality photos taken by professional photographer. Best of the best!

Organizer's crews: 5/5. Event crew placement was easy because of its looping nature.

Route marking: Simple route, thus marking was not required. Race Director personally led the runners to run the route for one round after flag off.

Difficulty: 4 out of 10 (from the scale of 0 to 10, where 10 as the toughest)

Results: Checkpointspot

Conclusion: The downside of this event was the venue was rather far from Kuala Lumpur. Nevertheless the elevation of the route spiced up race, making it less monotone for looping game.

Going down from the hill

Checking my ranking from the live update monitor

Crossing the starting line. The water and food stations was located after the starting line.

Taking some porridge to fill up my stomach


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